
BC Wine Regions


Okanagan and Similkameen Valleys:

  • Huge latitudinal stretch (49th – 50th parallels) showcasing distinct sub-regions running almost 200 km north to south.
  • Wide range of terroirs and multiple grape varieties.
  • Young industry with new players continually entering the market.
  • Small production levels, but further growth potential through increased investment and conversion of orchard land.
  • Climatology aspects: Future potential for late ripening and heat loving grapes.

Other Regions:

  • British Columbia has 7 other geographical indications (GI): Fraser Valley, Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands, Thompson Valley, Lillooet, Shuswap and Kootenays.
  • The Okanagan Valley has the majority of the vineyard acres and production volumes, but there’s been increased attention to regions like the Fraser Valley and our coastal “Wine Islands”.
  • These tend to be smaller producers, but there’s activity from an agri-tourism perspective and consumer trends to support local.
  • Climatology aspects: Future potential for Pinot Noir on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands.


Contact Us

Mark Hicken

T 604 868 1375
E mark(at)

Tania Tomaszewska

T 250 220 1745
E tania(at)




Your Trusted Advisors


Mark Hicken, BA JD

  • Consultant and advisor to the liquor industry: Alca Intelligence ( Former wine/liquor industry lawyer (  
  • Appointed BC Government Liquor Policy Advisor and chaired Business Technical Advisory Panel (2017-2018), remains a member of the Panel
  • Frequent speaker at wine industry conferences. Frequently quoted in media on wine industry issues.
  • Completed the Wine Executive Program at the University of  California, Davis


Tania Tomaszewska, BA LLB M.Phil

  • Former banking and finance lawyer (debt restructures and workouts/ large transaction management in BC and Australia).
  • Independent wine advisor to individuals/corporations (see with local “on the ground” expertise.
  • Marketing services to select BC wineries.
  • Completed the Wine Executive Program at the University of California, Davis



We are based in British Columbia and have a combined experience of more than two decades as Trusted Advisors in the legal, regulatory and banking/restructuring transactional space.

  • Broad network of relationships across key touch points in the BC wine industry.

  • Expertise in BC wine industry regulatory landscape.

  • “On the ground” access and depth of local knowledge.

  • Transaction management expertise.

  • Experienced in liaising with and leading other experts/advisors.

  • Confidentiality and discretion.

Our services include:

Strategic Planning – establishment of a new winery, ongoing business operations, regulatory compliance, or planning for the acquisition or divestment of a winery business.


Assembling and Working with Your Team of Experts – Engaging with other advisors and experts assisting with deal execution (lawyers, accountants, trademark attorneys, real estate agents, immigration consultants, etc.)

Project Management – Our past experience with project and deal management is invaluable in coordinating all of the steps and minimizing bumps   along the way. We can assist with setting up data rooms and coordinating all relevant steps to implement your plan.

Post-Acquisition assistance – Assisting with transition aspects.


Front Page


We provide strategic business advice to winery businesses, focusing on British Columbia’s spectacular Okanagan Valley